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HOA Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I rent the clubhouse?
    View the CALENDAR here and pick a date. Contact the Clubhouse Coordinator (Scott Lowry) via either Facebook messenger, or text/call to (937) 344-3033 with the date you would like. Bring the Clubhouse Rental Agreement Form and the checks to Scott Lowry at 9755 Old Creek Ct. The date is not confirmed until the form and checks have been received. View the CLUBHOUSE RENTAL AGREEMENT FORM. Most questions can be answered in this document.
  • What is the WiFi password at the clubhouse?
    Connect to the “VWC Clubhouse” WiFi network The network password is: VWCClubhouse
  • Where are the VWC HOA bylaws, covenants, and restrictions?"
    They can be found here: VWC Bylaws, Covenant, and Restrictions
  • How do I reach the property management company?
    Towne Properties (937) 222-2550 6540 Centerville Business Pkwy, Centerville, OH 45459
  • Who do I contact to get my key fob access (gym and pool)?
    Contact Towne Properties at: (937) 222-2550
  • How do I obtain approval for ………?
    First, become familiar with the VWC Covenants and Restrictions (see link above). Failure to know and adhere to the HOA Restrictions could result in fines and removal of the improvement at the homeowner’s expense. b. The first document you will need is the Architectural Change Request Form. c. Secondly, you will need a copy of your property plat. For Clearcreek Township residents, contact the Director of Planning and Zoning at Jeff Palmer can email you an electronic copy. There is no fee. For Washington Township, the following is from the Washington Township web site: “Most site plans for lots within Washington Township are kept on file in the Development Services office (937) 433-0796. If you wish to obtain a copy of your site plan, please call ahead with the name of your subdivision and your lot number or your address. Official deeds and easement information are on file at the Montgomery County Administration Building, 451 West Third Street, Dayton.” d. Third, you will need to create a scale drawing of the planned improvement. e. Finally, you will need a quote from the contractor doing the work, including the dimensions, color and style of the materials involved. If you are doing the work yourself, just provide the description of the materials. f. Submit all of the above to Towne Properties (see info above)
  • What are the pool hours? What are the fitness center hours?
    Pool hours are from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Memorial Day to Labor Day Fitness Center is open 24/7 year round The Clubhouse is closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Note: anyone in the clubhouse without a rental agreement and/or after hours will be trespassing and will lose their Clubhouse and Pool privileges.
  • How do I report a broken/malfunctioning streetlight?
    Each streetlight pole has a 5 digit number on it. Write down the number and contact Miami Valley Lighting at 1-888-316-2393 OR you can submit the info online at:
  • My mailbox is broken. What can I do?
    Contact Busy Bee Construction at: 2286 Equine Trl, Waynesville, OH 45068 (937) 885-3910
  • Who are the current board and elected members of the community?
    See our HOA Board Members list

Villages of Winding Creek

9700 Crooked Creek Drive

Dayton, Ohio 45458

United States

© 2025 by Villages of Winding Creek

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